Having tried and tested many things myself, I wanted to offer up some of my top weight loss tips. We are all different, such is the variety of life and what might work for one might not work for another. There has been a lot of trial and error for me but I think these tips really have worked and, more importantly, have remained a consistent part of my lifestyle to this day.
So with no further ado...
NEVER under eat - There are many negatives as a result of constricting your calories too severely. You are more likely to end up bingeing, your blood sugar levels will be unstable, your body will generally not respond well long term. We have all heard about starvation mode. Restricted calories can induce a state of shock and subsequent defence of your body to preserve it's fat/energy reserves. Another negative element to this is you won't have the energy to exercise; a vital component to successful and long term weightloss.
Under eating WILL catch up with you eventually.
Crazy diets - the word 'diet' can be construed in many ways. To me, diet has negative connotations as I tend to associate it with unnatural forms of food choice. The Atkins diet, the cabbage soup diet, slim fast, celebrity slimmer, they are all doomed to fail. Long term eating habit changes require a sensible, moderated view on what you are putting in your mouth. Our bodies need carbs, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins to remain healthy. By cutting out any of these elements from your consumption, you are playing a potentially dangerous game with your health.
Try to eat little and often - By dividing your 3 main meals up into smaller, more frequent meals you keep your blood sugar levels more stable, thus minimising the risk of snacking on the unhealthy options. This will also negate the risk of you piling your plate high with food and over eating when you do have a meal.
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day - This is so true, by eating breakfast you are fuelling your body far more efficiently. Breakfast kick starts the metabolism and you are less likely to snack later on.
Increase those complex carbohydrates - complex carbs provide a slow releasing energy source that your body finds far easier to manage. Brown rice, brown pasta, root vegetables and wholegrain are all complex. Simple carbohydrates (biscuits, sweets, refined sugar) serves a purpose but should not form your main intake of carbs as they can disrupt your blood sugar levels, making them more unstable. This can lead to energy depletion and proneness to snacking.
More information can be found below
Fizzy mineral water - Fizzy, sugar laden drinks such as Coke are loaded with calories. At one point I was getting through 2 litres of Coke a day when I was obese. If you want to wean yourself off these drinks, replace with a flavoured, fizzy mineral water. Despite them still being carbonated, they are low in calories but give you that fizzy fix.
Healthy takeaway options - total deprivation whilst dieting is more likely to lead to bingeing. Some studies suggest that over 90% of dieters will regain weight within 5 years.
Don't deprive yourself completely.
When I was half way through my weight loss, I treated myself to a takeaway every Friday. There are healthier options on the menu and it is up to you to make that healthy choice.
Lets use Chinese as an example. Instead of egg fried rice, get boiled rice. Instead of dishes where the meat is fried in batter, select one where the meat comes as is such as lemon chicken (one of my favourites!) Kebabs - instead of a greasy doner, why not have a shish where the meat is grilled.
Healthy snacks - I know better than anybody how addictive sugar is. I worked my way through so much candy, I am surprised I have any teeth left. When you are losing weight, there are going to be those inevitable times where you crave chocolate, biscuits and sweets. Grapes, raisins and dried fruit provide enough fructose to satisfy your sugary cravings.
Dreaded desserts - thankfully I am not that big on dessert and never have been but there are healthier options. Why not replace ice cream with sorbet? Sorbet does contain a fair bit of sugar but, in moderation, it is a suitable replacement should you feel the desire to cleanse that pallette!
Eat when you are hungry - Something many people do not do is listen to is their body. I feel, as an overall society, that we are totally out of touch with what is most organic; our physical selves. I have learnt to identify when I am hungry. it has taken many years to recognise the feeling but it is distinctive when you learn how to listen.
Make sure your are drinking enough liquid. Hunger can often be confused with thirst. Many people are dehydrated and do not even know it. Caffeine acts as a diarrhetic and so if your are a regular coffee or tea drinker especially, make sure you are getting enough water.
I hope some of these tips have been useful, many are well known and are so for a reason - they work.
Next time I will provide my top tips for exercising - a crucial elements to successful and sustained weight loss.
R xx
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