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Life's what you make it.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

It's what is on the inside that counts

Beauty is only skin deep, we merely scratch the surface of a person when we look at them. Visual beauty can mean different things to different people; attractive eyes, full lips, luscious hair, slim figure, curvy figure, large boobs, small boobs, manly arms, portly physique, muscly thighs. You catch my drift? Living in an image obsessed society and amongst a media that portrays beauty as this unrealistic, unachievable, flawless perfection presents problems. Everywhere you look, girls and guys peer back from the glossy pages of magazines, air brushed to within an inch of their life and totally misrepresenting reality. So many of us are exposed to an unseen but tangible pressure to aspire to this distortion.

In my mind, imperfections are what make us beautiful, little foibles in looks that set us aside from one another. How boring would the world be if we all looked like we had just stepped off of a catwalk. Ugh, that would be intensely dull. Every person walking this earth has something visually beautiful about them, I believe that and see it everyday.

It is in our nature to judge each other on initial appearance, we look and see every waking hour and so everyone we come across fall into that line of sight. There is a theory that we look for a partner who we feel are on the same level of attractiveness as us. We do this subconsciously apparently. Scientific studies have been conducted that prove we are attracted to people with balanced, symmetrical faces. So symmetry = visual beauty !

It's not the surface, it's what is in the interior

Of course the physical attractiveness can only get you so far. As we get to know a person, we delve deeper and learn about them, what makes them tick. Looks fade, personality doesn't. I have met people throughout my life that may not be deemed beautiful or handsome to look at but who exude confidence, charisma, wit and self assuredness. This is far more alluring and durable than a person who has a pretty face and great body but little in the way of character.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, it is also about how we carry ourselves. Body language is a fascinating subject and something that has been proven to affect the way we behave toward one another. People who are self conscious, paranoid and self aware might slouch their shoulders, drag their feet and deter others from approaching them. Conversely, someone who has a confident stride, a spring in their step and head held high are going to draw others into their space. Believe me, I have inadvertently tried and tested this myself!

Fat is not deemed attractive, pretty or beautiful in this vain society we inhabit. Fat is often seen as gross, ugly, a sign that someone has let themselves go. You don't see fat models on the majority of cat walks, you don't see fat people on bill boards or in magazines. I think it is a sad sign of the times that we place so much emphasis on physical looks. There are some stunningly attractive, curvaceous people out there.

Let's face it, it is all about confidence. It is a powerful trait and one that gets you far in life. Confidence can give you a ticket into almost anything.

Looks shouldn't really factor, we are all made of the same stuff it is just that we are formed slightly differently from one another.

A beautiful person has that beauty for a limited amount of time. A confident, vivacious person has that confidence indefinitely.

A relatively short one tonight, just another muse!

My next post will outline what I did to drop the weight both with my diet and my exercise. I hope this can offer some tips to those of you out there trying out different methods of losing weight...

Rainy xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have been waiting to hear how you did it!